Working Papers

From 2021, CERGE-EI Working Papers are published only in an online version on our web page, and are also accessible via RePEc. Before publication, Working Papers undergo a full-fledged refereeing process and are also edited by the Academic Skills Center. For potential submissions, please contact the editor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Go to CERGE-EI Working Papers published in:


792. Volha Audzei and Sergey Slobodyan. October 2024. “Dynamic Sparse Restricted Perceptions Equilibria” (Full Text)

791. Konuray Mutluer. October 2024. “Leading by Example Among Equals” (Full Text)

790. Linek Lukáš, Michael Škvrňák, Michal Šoltés and Vítězslav Titl. October 2024. “Czech Political Candidate and Donation Datasets” (Full Text)

789. Bauer Michal, Julie Chytilová and Eric Ochieng. September 2024. “Preference Transmission within Churches: Religious Leaders and Clusters of (In)Tolerance” (Full Text)

788. Pavlova Margarita. August 2024. “Competition and the Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from the Russian Trade Withdrawal” (Full Text)

787. Gharibyan Sinara. August 2024. “Collective vs. Family Remembrance: Evidence From Two Russian Betrayals” (Full Text)

786. Trestcov Ivan and Aizhamal Rakhmetova. August 2024. “Winning Culture, Winning Future: The Effects of Early-Career Success on Long-Run Performance” (Full Text)

785. Ashenfelter Orley and Štěpán Jurajda. July 2024. “The U.S. Low-Wage Structure: A McWage Comparison” (Full Text)

784. Ivanov-Davtyan Lusine. July 2024. “Education Under Attack? The Impact of a Localized War on Schooling Achievements” (Full Text)

783. Del Prato Francesco and Paolo Zacchia. June 2024. “The Heterogeneous Consequences of Reduced Labor Costs on Firm Productivity” (Full Text)

782. Shcherbov Arsenii. June 2024. “Forced Migration and Crime: Evidence from the 2014 Immigration Wave to Russia” (Full Text)

781. Rychalovska Yuliya, Sergey Slobodyan and Raf Wouters. May 2024. “Survey Expectations, Adaptive Learning and Inflation Dynamics” (Full Text)

780. Cota Marta and Ante Šterc. May 2024. “Financial Skills and Search in the Mortgage Market” (Full Text)

779. Chen Daniel L., Lubomír Cingl, Arnaud Philippe and Michal Šoltés. April 2024. “Exploring Inmates’ Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behavior: Implications for Theories of Crime” (Full Text)

778. Bičáková Alena and Štěpán Jurajda. March 2024. “COVID-19 and Political Preferences Through Stages of the Pandemic: The Case of the Czech Republic” (Full Text)

777. Lorko Matej, Tomáš Miklánek and Maroš Servátka. March 2024. “Why do some nudges work and others not?” (Full Text)

776. Kashkarov Daniil and Valentin Artemev. March 2024. “Disappearing Stepping Stones: Technological Change and Career Paths” (Full Text)

775. Alfaro-Ureña Alonso and Paolo Zacchia. March 2024. “Matching to Suppliers in the Production Network: an Empirical Framework” (Full Text)

774. Ottinger Sebastian and Lukas Rosenberger. February 2024. “The American Origin of the French Revolution” (Full Text)

773. Senkov Maxim and Toygar T. Kerman. February 2024. “Changing Simplistic Worldviews” (Full Text)

772. Kerman Toygar T. and Anastas P. Tenev. February 2024. “Pitfalls of Information Spillovers in Persuasion” (Full Text)


771. Tokhirov Azizbek. December 2023. “Patience and Giving: Global Evidence Based on Longitudinal and Linguistic Data” (Full Text)

770. Pertold Filip, Sofiana Sinani and Michal Šoltés. November 2023. “Gender Gap in Reported Childcare Preferences among Parents” (Full Text)

769. Razumovskii Artem. November 2023. “Interim Deadline for Procrastinators” (Full Text)

768. Ochsner Christian. November 2023. “Hostility, Population Sorting, and Backwardness: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the Red Army after WWII” (Full Text)

767. Alfonsi Livia, Michal Bauer, Julie Chytilová and Edward Miguel. November 2023. “Human Capital Affects Religious Identity: Causal Evidence from Kenya” (Full Text)

766. Rychalovska Yuliya, Sergey Slobodyan and Rafael Wouters. October 2023. “Professional Survey Forecasts and
Expectations in DSGE Models” (Full Text)

765. Maksymovych Sergii. October 2023. “The Impact of the Firstborn Gender on Family Formation and Dissolution: Evidence from Russia” (Full Text)

764. Rakhmetova Aizhamal and Ivan Trestcov. September 2023. “Weather Shocks and Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan” (Full Text)

763. Chegere Martin, Paolo Falco and Andreas Menzel. September 2023. “Social Ties at Work and Effort Choice: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania” (Full Text)

762. Baghumyan Gayane. August 2023. “Sexual-Orientation Discrimination and Biological Attributions: Experimental Evidence from Russia” (Full Text) (Additional Materials

761. Martirosyan Yervand. August 2023. “The Long-Term Impact of Energy Poverty and Its Mitigation on Educational Attainment: Evidence From China” (Full Text)

760. Stojanovic Dušan. August 2023. “Quantitative Easing in the Euro Area: Implications for Income and Wealth Inequality” (Full Text)

759. Skolkova Alena. July 2023. “Instrumental Variable Estimation with Many Instruments Using Elastic-Net IV” (Full Text)

758. Skolkova Alena. July 2023. “Model Averaging with Ridge Regularization” (Full Text)

757. De Jaegher Kris, Michal Šoltés and Vítězslav Titl. July 2023. “Easing Renegotiation Rules in Public Procurement: Evidence from a Policy Reform” (Full Text)

756. Mamonov Mikhail and Anna Pestova. June 2023. “The Price of War: Macroeconomic and Cross-Sectional Effects of Sanctions on Russia” (Full Text)

755. Mamonov Mikhail. June 2023. “Measuring Fraud in Banking and its Impact on the Economy: A Quasi-Natural Experiment” (Full Text)

754. Goncharenko Roman, Mikhail Mamonov, Steven Ongena, Svetlana Popova and Natalia Turdyeva. June 2023. “Quo Vadis? Evidence on New Firm-Bank Matching and Firm Performance Following “Sin” Bank Closures” (Full Text)

753. Mamonov Mikhail, Anna Pestova and Steven Ongena. May 2023.  ““Crime and Punishment”? How Banks Anticipate and Propagate Global Financial Sanctions” (Full Text)

752. Malnati Flavio. May 2023. “Deus Vult! Military Capacity and Economic Development in the Teutonic-Order State” (Full Text)

751. Cota Marta. April 2023. “Extrapolative Income Expectations and Retirement Savings” (Full Text)

750. Miotto Martina. April 2023. “Colonialism, Cash Crops and Women in Africa” (Full Text)

749. Coluccia Davide M., Gaia Dossi and Sebastian Ottinger. March 2023. “Racial Discrimination and Lost Innovation: Evidence from US Inventors, 1895–1925” (Full Text)

748. Stojanović Dušan. March 2023. “The Effects of Government Spending in Segmented Labor and Financial Markets” (Full Text)

747. Kouro Theodor. March 2023. “Allocation Choice in Charitable Giving: A Natural Field Experiment” (Full Text)

746. Beneš Jaromír, Tomáš Motl and David Vávra. March 2023. “Practical Macrofinancial Stability Analysis: A Prototype Semistructural Model” (Full Text)

745. Afunts Geghetsik, Misina Cato and Tobias Schmidt. February 2023. “Inflation Expectations in the Wake of the War in Ukraine” (Full Text)

744. Grossmann Jakub and Štěpán Jurajda. February 2023. “Voting under Debtor Distress” (Full Text)

743. Badalyan Sona, Darya Korlyakova and Rastislav Rehák. February 2023. “Disclosure Discrimination: An Experiment Focusing on Communication in the Hiring Process” (Full Text)

742. Grossmann Jakub, Filip Pertold and Michal Šoltés. February 2023. “Parental Allowance Increase and Labour Supply: Evidence from a Czech Reform” (Full Text)


741. Chen Ying and Jan Zápal. November 2022. “Naked Exclusion with Heterogeneous Buyers” (Full Text)

740. Afunts Geghetsik and Štěpán Jurajda. November 2022. “Who Divorces Whom: Unilateral Divorce Legislation and the Educational Structure of Marriage” (Full Text)

739. Rehák Rastislav. November 2022. “Sequential Sampling Beyond Decisions? A Normative Model of Decision Confidence” (Full Text)

738. Boadu-Sebbe Gregory. October 2022. “Effect of Exchange-Traded Funds Arbitrage Transactions on their Underlying Holdings” (Full Text)

737. Šustek Roman. October 2022. “A Back-of-the-Envelope Analysis of House Prices: Czech Republic, 2013-2021” (Full Text)

736. Ilinov Pavel, Andrei Matveenko, Maxim Senkov and Egor Starkov. September 2022. “Optimally Biased Expertise” (Full Text)

735. Kosar Mariia and Sergei Mikhalishchev. September 2022. “Inattentive Price Discovery in ETFs” (Full Text)

734. Senkov Maxim. August 2022. “Setting Interim Deadlines to Persuade” (Full Text)

733. Trestcov Ivan. August 2022. “Compliance Behavior under Surveillance: Introduction of the Video Assistant Referee to European Football” (Full Text)

732. Bičáková Alena and Klára Kalíšková. August 2022. “Is Longer Maternal Care Always Beneficial? The Impact of a Four-year Paid Parental Leave” (Full Text)

731. Korlyakova Darya. July 2022. “Do Pessimistic Expectations About Discrimination Make Minorities Withdraw Their Effort? Causal Evidence” (Full Text)

730. Bianchi Daniele, Mykola Babiak and Alexander Dickerson. June 2022. “Trading Volume and Liquidity Provision in Cryptocurrency Markets” (Full Text)

729. Šterc Ante. June 2022. “Limited Consideration in the Investment Fund Choice” (Full Text)

728. Hrehová Kristína and Štefan Domonkos. June 2022. “Proximity to Help Matters: The Effect of Access to Centers of Legal Aid on Bankruptcy Rates” (Full Text)

727. Stojanović Danilo. May 2022. “The 2003 Tax Reform and Corporate Payout Policy in the US” (Full Text)

726. Baisalova Aisha. July 2022. “Exploring Border Effects: Sensitivity of Cigarette Consumption to Excise Tax” (Full Text)

725. Cingl Lubomír, Tomáš Lichard and Tomáš Miklánek. March 2022. “Mist Over a Meadow: Tax Designation Effects on Compliance” (Full Text)

724. Rakhmetova Aizhamal, Roman Hoffmann and Mariola Pytliková. March 2022. “Access to Financial Resources and Environmental Migration of the Poor” (Full Text)

723. Sargsyan Ella. March 2022. “Violent Conflicts and Child Gender Preferences of Parents: Evidence from Nigeria” (Full Text)

722. Travova Ekaterina. March 2022. “For God, Tsar and Fatherland? The Political Influence of Church” (Full Text)

721. Kashkarov Daniil. March 2022. “RBTC and Human Capital: Accounting for Individual-Level Responses” (Full Text)

720. Bělín Matěj, Tomáš Jelínek and Štěpán Jurajda. March 2022. “Social Networks and Surviving the Holocaust” (Full Text)

719. Ilinov Pavel and Ole Jann. February 2022. “An Equivalence Between Rational Inattention Problems and Complete-Information Conformity Games” (Full Text)

718. Šoltés Michal. January 2022. “Consequences of Inconvenient Information: Evidence from Sentencing Disparities” (Full Text)

717. Kudashvili Nikoloz and Gega Todua. January 2022. “Information, Perceived Returns and College Major Choices” (Full Text)


716. Kapanadze Ketevani. December 2021. “Checkmate! Losing with Borders, Winning with Centers. The Case of European Integration” (Abstract) (Full Text)

715. Drápal Jakub and Michal Šoltés. December 2021. “Sentencing Decisions Around Quantity Thresholds: Theory and Experiment” (Abstract) (Full Text)

714. Mikula Štěpán and Mariola Pytliková. November 2021. “Air Pollution and Migration: Exploiting a Natural Experiment from the Czech Republic” (Abstract) (Full Text)

713. Pyrlik Vladimir, Pavel Elizarov and Aleksandra Leonova. November 2021. “Forecasting Realized Volatility Using Machine Learning and Mixed-Frequency Data (the Case of the Russian Stock Market” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

712. Staněk Filip. November 2021. “Optimal Out-of-Sample Forecast Evaluation under Stationarity” (Abstract) (Full Text)

711. Nazafat Mahdi and Ctirad Slavík. November 2021. “Asset Prices and Business Cycles with Liquidity Shocks” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

710. Bianchi Daniele and Mykola Babiak. November 2021. “A Factor Model for Cryptocurrency Returns” (Abstract) (Full Text)

709. Federičová Miroslava. November 2021. “The Outflow of High-ability Students from Regular Schools and Its Long-term Impact on Those Left Behind” (Abstract) (Full Text)

708. Rehák Rastislav and Maxim Senkov. October 2021. “Form of Preference Misalignment Linked to State-pooling Structure in Bayesian Persuasion” (Abstract) (Full Text)

707. Srhoj Stjepan and Melko Dragojević. October 2021. “Public Procurement and Supplier Job Creation: Insights from Auctions” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

706. Bičáková Alena and Klára Kalíšková. September 2021. “Career-breaks and Maternal Employment in CEE Countries” (Abstract) (Full Text)

705. Kapička Marek and Ctirad Slavík. September 2021. “Organization of Knowledge and Taxation” (Abstract) (Full Text)

704. Mamonov Mikhail and Anna Pestova. September 2021.  “'Sorry, You're Blocked.' Economic Effects of Financial Sanctions on the Russian Economy” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

703. Kyrychenko Olexiy. September 2021. “Environmental Regulations, Air Pollution, and Infant Mortality in India: A Reexamination” (Abstract) (Full Text)

702. Kyrychenko Olexiy. September 2021. “The Impact of the Crisis-induced Reduction in Air Pollution on Infant Mortality in India: A Policy Perspective” (Abstract) (Full Text)

701. Kúnin Michael and Krešimir Žigić. August 2021. “A Note on Jain´s Digital Piracy Model: Horizontal vs Vertical Product Differentiation” (Abstract) (Full Text)

700. Srhoj Stjepan, Dejan Kovač, Jacob N. Shapiro, and Randall K. Filer. August 2021. “The Impact of Delay: Evidence from Formal Out-of-Court Restructuring” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

699. Anatolyev Stanislav and Vladimir Pyrlik. August 2021. “Shrinkage for Gaussian and t Copulas in Ultra-High Dimensions” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

698. Bičáková Alena, Guido Matias Cortes, and Jacopo Mazza. August 2021. “Make Your Own Luck: The Wage Gains from Starting College in a Bad Economy” (Abstract) (Full Text)

697. Bauer, Michal, Jana Cahlíková, Julie Chytilová, Gérard Roland, and Tomáš Želinský. July 2021. “Shifting Punishment on Minorities: Experimental Evidence of Scapegoating” (Abstract) (Full Text)

696. Adunts, Davit. July 2021. “Paternal Circular Migration and Development of Socio-Emotional Skills of Children Left Behind” (Abstract) (Full Text)

695. Kurylo, Bohdana. July 2021. “The Impact of Same-Race Teachers on Student Behavioral Outcomes” (Abstract) (Full Text)

694. Hrehová, Kristína, Erika Sandow, and Urban Lindgren. July 2021. “Firm Relocations, Commuting and Relationship Stability” (Abstract) (Full Text)

693. Kocourek, Pavel. July 2021. “Revealing Private Information in a Patent Race” (Abstract) (Full Text)

692. Chen, Ying and Jan Zápal. May 2021. “Sequential Vote Buying” (Abstract) (Full Text)

691. Mamonov, Mikhail and Anna Pestova. April 2021. “Credit Supply Shocks and Household Defaults” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

690. Grossmann, Jakub. March 2021. “Sick Pay and Absence from Work: Evidence from Flu Exposure” (Abstract) (Full Text)

689. Korlyakova, Darya. March 2021. “Learning about Ethnic Discrimination from Different Information Sources” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

688. Bělín, Matěj. March 2021. “Does Robots´Reach Exceed Their Grasp? Differential Impacts of Robot Adoption and Spillover Effects on Workers in the Czech Republic” (Abstract) (Full Text)

687. Babiak, Mykola and Jozef Baruník. March 2021. “Uncertainty Network Risk and Currency Returns” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

686. Drlje, Marin and Štěpán Jurajda. February 2021. “LATE Estimators under Costly Non-compliance in Student-College Matching Markets” (Abstract) (Full Text)

685. Jurajda, Štěpán and Pavla Doleželová. February 2021. “Czech Kurzarbeit: Evidence from the First Pandemic Wave” (Abstract) (Full Text)

684. Ashenfelter, Orley and Štěpán Jurajda. February 2021. “Wages, Minimum Wages and Price Pass-Through: The Case of McDonald´s Restaurants” (Abstract) (Full Text)

683. Grossmann Jakub, Štěpán Jurajda and Felix Roesel. February 2021. “Forced Migration, Staying Minorities, and New Societies: Evidence from Post-war Czechoslovakia” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

682. Babiak, Mykola and Roman Kozhan. January 2021. “Growth Uncertainty,Rational Learning, and Option Prices” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

681. Tolstova, Vera. January 2021. “Voting on Education and Redistribution Policies in the U.S: Does Endogenous Fertility Matter?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

680. Tolstova, Vera. January 2021. “Marital Sorting and Cross-Country Differences in Intergenerational Earnings Persistence” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

679. Grossmann, Jakub. January 2021. “The Effects of Minimum Wage Increases in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


678. Pertold-Gebicka, Barbara and Dominika Spolcova. December 2020. “Family Size and Subjective Well-being in Europe: Do More Children Make Us (Un)Happy?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

677. Babiak, Mykola and Jozef Baruník. December 2020. “Deep Learning, Predictability, and Optimal Portfolio Returns” (Abstract) (Full Text

676. Ćorić, Bruno and Blanka Perić Škrabić. November 2020. “Recovery from Economic Disasters” (Abstract) (Full Text)

675. Gillman, Max. October 2020. “Income Tax Evasion: Tax Elasticity, Welfare, and Revenue” (Abstract) (Full Text)

674. Kina, Özlem, Ctirad Slavík, and Hakki Yazici. October 2020. “Redistributive Capital Taxation Revisited”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

673. Jeong, Byeongju. September 2020. “Talent Rewards, Talent Uncertainty, and Career Tracks”  (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

672. Bianchi, Daniele and Mykola Babiak. September 2020. “On the Performance of Cryptocurrency Funds”  (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

671. Žigić, Krešimir, Jiří Střelický, and Michael Kúnin. September 2020. “Private and Public IPR Protection in a Vertically Differentiated Software Duopoly”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

670. Mikhalishchev, Sergei. September 2020. “Optimal Menu when Agents Make Mistakes”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

669. Bakota, Ivo. September 2020. “Avoiding Root-Finding in the Krusell-Smith Algorithm Simulation”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

668. Bakota, Ivo. September 2020. “Capital Income Taxation with Portfolio Choice”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

667. Bakota, Ivo. September 2020. “Firm Leverage and Wealth Inequality”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

666. Barili, Emilia, Paola Bertoli, and Veronica Grembi. September 2020. “Neighborhoods, Networks, and Delivery Methods”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

665. Amin, Abu, Blake Bowler, Mostafa Monzur Hasan, Gerald L. Lobo, and Jiří Trešl. September 2020. “Firm Life Cycle and Cost of Debt”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

664. Barili, Emilia, Paola Bertoli, and Veronica Grembi. August 2020. “Fee Equalization and Appropriate Health Care”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

663. Brushko, Iuliia, Stephen P. Ferris, Jan Hanousek, and Jiří Trešl. August 2020. “Intra-Industry Transfer of Information Inferred From Trading Volume”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

662. Lichard, Tomáš, Filip Pertold, and Samuel Škoda. August 2020. “Do Women Face a Glass Ceiling at Home? The Division of Household Labor among Dual-Earner Couples”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

661. Flanery, Mark J., Jan Hanousek, Anastasiya Shamshur, and Jiří Trešl. July 2020. “M&A Activity and the Capital Structure of Target Firms”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

660. Bukovina, Jaroslav, Tomáš Lichard, Ján Palguta, and Branislav Žúdel. July 2020. “Tax Reforms and Inter-temporal Shifting of Corporate Income: Evidence from Tax Records in Slovakia”  (Abstract) (Full Text) (Updated Version, June 2022

659. Ferris, Stephen P., Jan Hanousek, and Jiří Trešl. June 2020. “Corporate Profitability and the Global Persistence of Corruption”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

658. Drlje, Marin. May 2020. “Identification of School Admission Effects Using Propensity Scores Based on a Matching Market Structure”  (Abstract) (Full Text)  

657. Arkhangelsky, Dmitry and Vasily Korovkin. May 2020. “On Policy Evaluation with Aggregate Time-Series Shocks”  (Abstract) (Full Text) (Updated Version, January 2023

656. Van Koten, Silvester. May 2020. “The Forward Premium in Electricity Markets: An Experimental Study”  (Abstract) (Full Text

655. Bertoli, Paola, Veronica Grembi, and Judit Vall-Castello. February 2020. “The Ramadan Effect in the Workplace”  (Abstract) (Full Text

654. Miklánek, Tomáš and Miroslav Zajíček. January 2020. “Personal Traits and Trading in an Experimental Asset Market”  (Abstract) (Full Text

653. Bauer, Michal, Julie Chytilová, and Edward Miguel. January 2020. “Using Survey Questions to Measure Preferences: Lessons from an Experimental Validation in Kenya”  (Abstract) (Full Text

652. Svitáková, Klára and Michal Šoltés. January 2020. “Sorting of Candidates: Evidence from 20,000 Electoral Ballots”  (Abstract) (Full Text


651. Anatolyev, Stanislav, Sergei Seleznev, and Veronika Selezneva. December 2019. “Does Index Arbitrage Distort the Market Reaction to Shocks?”  (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

650. Benk, Szilard and Max Gillman. December 2019. “Granger Predictability of Oil Prices after the Great Recession”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

649. Czura, Kristina, Andreas Menzel, and Martina Miotto. December 2019. “Menstrual Health, Worker Productivity and Well-being among Female Bangladeshi Garment Workers”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

648. Gillman, Max. December 2019. “A Human Capital Theory of Structural Transformation”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

647. Laxton, Dali T. December 2019. “Innovations in the Wind Energy Sector”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

646. Jurajda, Štěpán and Tomáš Jelínek. December 2019. “Surviving Auschwitz with Pre-Existing Social Ties”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

645. Matveenko, Andrei and Sergei Mikhalishchev. November 2019. “Attentional Role of Quota Implementation”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

644. Kudashvili, Nikoloz and Philipp Lergetporer. October 2019. “Do Minorities Misrepresent Their Ethnicity to Avoid Discrimination?”  (Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials

643. Abramishvili, Zurab, William Appleman, and Sergii Maksymovych. August 2019. “Parental Gender Preference in the Balkans and Scandinavia: Gender Bias or Differential Costs?”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

642. Luna Alpizar, Jose Luis. May 2019. “Worker Heterogeneity and the Asymmetric Effects of Minimum Wages”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

641. Adunts, Davit and Geghetsik Afunts. April 2019. “Seasonal Migration and Education of Children Left Behind: Evidence from Armenia”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

640. Babiak, Mykola and Roman Kozhan. April 2019. “Parameter Learning in Production Economies”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

639. Vuletić Čugalj, Danijela. April 2019. “Gender-Based Favoritism in Blood Donations: Evidence from a Field Experiment”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

638. Hrendash, Taras. April 2019. “Prioritized Examination and its Impact on Commercialization of Patents”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

637. Travova, Ekaterina. April 2019. “Under Pressure? Performance Evaluation of Police Officers as an Incentive to Cheat: Evidence from Drug Crimes in Russia”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

636. Kostrov, Alexander and Mikhail Mamonov. March 2019. “The Formation of Hidden Negative Capital in Banking: A Product Mismatch Hypothesis”  (Abstract) (Full Text)


635. Van Koten, Silvester. December 2018. “Self-regulation and Meta-regulation – Regulating the Members or the SRO. A Theoretical and Experimental Study”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

634. Agarwal, Ruchir and Patrick Gaulé. December 2018. “Invisible Geniuses: Could the Knowledge Frontier Advance Faster?”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

633. Bertoli, Paola and Veronica Grembi. December 2018. “The Political Cycle of Road Traffic Accidents”  (Abstract) (Full Text) (Updated Version, July 2019

632. Bauer, Michal, Jana Cahlíková, Dagmara Celik Katreniak, Julie Chytilová, Lubomír Cingl, and Tomáš Želinský. November 2018. “Anti-social Behavior in Groups”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

631. Katuščák, Peter and Tomáš Miklánek. November 2018. “What Drives Conditional Cooperation in Public Goods Games?”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

630. Palguta, Ján and Filip Pertold. November 2018. “Do Higher Wages Produce Career Politicians? Evidence from Two Discontinuity Designs”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

629. Sargsyan, Vahan. November 2018. “Social Integration of Immigrants and the Attitude of the Native Population in European Countries”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

628. Jibuti, Daviti. October 2018. “Discrimination against Workers with Visible Tattoos: Experimental Evidence from Germany”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

627. Kudebayeva, Alma. October 2018. “Chronic Poverty in Kazakhstan”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

626. Grigoryan, Aleksandr and Knar Khachatryan. October 2018. “Remittances and Emigration Intentions: Evidence from Armenia”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

625. Antinyan, Armenak, Vardan Baghdasaryan, and Aleksandr Grigoryan. September 2018. “Social Preferences, Public Good Provision, Social Capital and Positional Concerns: Empirical Evidence from the South Caucasus”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

624. Bělín, Matěj. September 2018. “Time-invariant Regressors under Fixed Effects: Identification via a Proxy Variable”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

623. Bartoš, Vojtěch, Michal Bauer, Julie Chytilová and Ian Levely. August 2018. “Effects of Poverty on Impatience: Preferences or Inattention?”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

622. Bičáková, Alena, Guido Matias Cortes and Jacopo Mazza. July 2018. “Caught in the Cycle: Economic Conditions at Enrollment and Labor Market Outcomes of College Graduates”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

621. Jehiel, Philippe and Jakub Steiner. July 2018. “Selective Sampling with Information-Storage Constraints”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

620. Sutóris, Ivan. June 2018. “Asset Prices in a Production Economy with Long Run and Idiosyncratic Risk”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

619. Anatolyev, Stanislav, Sergei Seleznev and Veronika Selezneva. June 2018. “Formation of Market Beliefs in the Oil Market”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

618. Novák, Vladimír and Tim Willems. June 2018. “A Note on Optimal Experimentation under Risk Aversion”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

617. Katuščák, Peter and Tomáš Miklánek. April 2018. “Do Fixed-Prize Lotteries Crowd Out Public Good Contributions Driven by Social Preferences?”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

616. Borga, Liyousew G. and Myroslav Pidkuyko. March 2018. “Whoever Has Will Be Given More: Child Endowment and Human Capital Investment”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

615. Hradil, Vít. March 2018. “Does Minimum Wage Affect Workplace Safety?”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

614. Matysková, Ludmila. March 2018. “Bayesian Persuasion with Costly Information Acquisition”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

613. Tolstova, Vera. March 2018. “On the Optimal Progressivity of Higher Education Subsidies: the Role of Endogenous Fertility”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

612. Kudashvili, Nikoloz. February 2018. “Sources of Statistical Discrimination: Experimental Evidence from Georgia”  (Abstract) (Full Text)


611. Bertoli, Paola, Veronica Grembi, and Judit Vall Castello. December 2017. “Not All Silver Lining? The Great Recession and Road Traffic Accidents”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

610. Janhuba, Radek and Kristýna Čechová. December 2017. “Criminals on the Field: A Study of College Football”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

609. Slavík, Ctirad and Hakki Yazici. December 2017. “Wage Risk and the Skill Premium”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

608. Todua, Gega. December 2017. “Financing Education Abroad: A Developing Country Perspective”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

607. Menzel, Andreas. November 2017. “Knowledge Exchange and Productivity Spill-overs in Bangladeshi Garment Factories”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

606. Babiak, Mykola. October 2017. “Generalized Disappointment Aversion, Learning, and Asset Prices”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

605. Forand, Jean Guillaume and Jan Zápal. September 2017. “The Demand and Supply of Favours in Dynamic Relationships”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

604. Maksymovych, Sergii. August 2017. “Decision-Making in the Household and Material Deprivation”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

603. Bertoli, Paola and Veronica Grembi. August 2017. “Exploring the Nexus between Certainty in Injury Compensation and Treatment Selection”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

602. Klinger, Tomáš and Petr Teplý. August 2017. “Agent-Based Risk Assessment Model of the European Banking Network”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

601. Hanousek, Jan, Evžen Kočenda, and Pavla Vozárová. August 2017. “Productivity and Trade Spillovers: Horizontal Crowding-Out Versus Vertical Synergies in Europe as a Response to Foreign Direct Investment”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

600. Bertoli, Paola and Veronica Grembi . August 2017. “Medical Malpractice: How Legal Liability Affects Medical Decisions”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

599. Mattozzi, Andrea and Fabio Michelucci. August 2017. “Electoral Contests with Dynamic Campaign Contributions”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

598. Ferris, Stephen P., Jan, Hanousek, Anastasiya Shamshur, and Jiří Trešl . July 2017. “Asymmetries in the Firm’s Use of Debt to Changing Market Values”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

597. Hanousek, Jan, Anastasiya Shamshur, and Jiří Trešl . July 2017. “To Bribe or not to Bribe? Corruption Uncertainty and Corporate Practices”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

596. Valei, Azamat. June 2017. “Informative Advertising in a Monopoly with Network Externalities”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

595. Hanousek, Jan, Anastasiya Shamshur, and Jiří Trešl . June 2017. “Firm Efficiency, Foreign Ownership and CEO Gender in Corrupt Environments”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

594. Gaulé, Patric and Mario Piacentini. June 2017. “An Advisor Like Me? Advisor Gender and Post-graduate Careers in Science”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

593. Matveenko, Andrei. June 2017. “Logit, CES, and Rational Inattention”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

592. Bertoli, Paola and Veronica Grembi. June 2017. “The Political Economy of Diagnosis-Related Groups”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

591. Korbel, Václav and Michal Paulus. June 2017. “Do Teaching Practices Impact Socio-Emotional Skills?”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

590. Kuntsevych, Iuliia. June 2017. “Remittances in Ukraine Using Household Data”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

589. Cahlíková, Jana, Lubomír Cingl, and Ian Levely. May 2017. “How Stress Affects Performance and Competitiveness across Gender”  (Abstract) (Full Text) (Supplementary material)

588. Valei, Azamat. April 2017. “Advertising Response to New Entry”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

587. Nunnari, Salvatore and Jan Zápal. April 2017. “A Model of Focusing in Political Choice”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

586. Matysková, Ludmila and Jan Šípek. April 2017. “Manipulation of Cursed Beliefs in Online Reviews”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

585. Sargsyan, Vahan. April 2017. “Treatment-Related Naturalization Premiums in Two European Countries: Evaluation and Comparison”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

584. Vovchak, Tamara. March 2017. “Bank Credit, Liquidity Shocks and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

583. Kuntsevych, Iuliia. March 2017. “Remittances, Spending and Political Instability in Ukraine”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

582. Miklánek, Tomáš. March 2017. “Ego-utility and Endogenous Information Acquisition; An Experimental Study”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

581. Miklánek, Tomáš. March 2017. “The Effect of Shame in Dictator Games with Information Asymmetry”  (Abstract) (Full Text)


580. Vardanyan, Suren. December 2016. “Contagion in Experimental Financial Markets”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

579. Janhuba, Radek. December 2016. “Do Victories and Losses Matter? Effects of Football on Life Satisfaction”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

578. Antczak, Elżbieta, Ewa Gałecka-Burdziak, Robert Pater . November 2016. “Spatial Labour Market Matching”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

577. Alimukhamedova, Nargiza, Randall K. Filer, and Jan Hanousek. November 2016. “The Importance of Geographic Access for the Impact of Microfinance”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

576. Jerbashian, Vahagn. November 2016. “Automation and Job Polarization: On the Decline of Middling Occupations in Europe”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

575. Antczak, Elżbieta, Ewa Gałecka-Burdziak, Robert Pater . November 2016. “Efficiency in Spatially Disaggregated Labour Market Matching”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

574. Federičová, Miroslava, Filip Pertold, and Michael L. Smith. November 2016. “Children Left Behind: Self-confidence of Pupils in Competitive Environments”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

573. Jurajda, Štěpán and Dejan Kovač. October 2016. “What´s in a Name in a War”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

572. Algozhina, Aliya. October 2016. “Monetary Policy Rule, Exchange Rate Regime, and Fiscal Policy Cyclicality in a Developing Oil Economy”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

571. Gossner, Olivier and Jakub Steiner. September 2016. “Optimal Illusion of Control and Related Perception Biases”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

570. Bowen, T. Renee, Ying Chen, Hülya Eraslan, and Jan Zápal. September 2016. “Efficiency of Flexible Budgetary Institutions”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

569. Georgi Burlakov. August 2016. “Why Mixed Qualities May Not Survive at Equilibrium: The Case of Vertical Product Differentiation”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

568. Bičáková, Alena and Klára Kalíšková. August 2016. “Career Breaks after Childbirth: The Impact of Family Leave Reforms in the Czech Republic”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

566. Jerbashian, Vahagn. June 2016. “Knowledge Licensing in a Model of R&D-Driven Endogenous Growth”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

565. Bertoli, Paola and Veronica Grembi. May 2016. “The Life-saving Effect of Hospital Proximity”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

564. Jurajda, Štěpán and Radek Janhuba. May 2016. “Gender in Banking and Mortgage Behavior”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

563. Ambriško, Róbert. April 2016. “Growth-Friendly Fiscal Strategies for the Czech Economy”  (Abstract) (Full Text

561. Bičáková, Alena and Štěpán Jurajda. March 2016. “Field-of-Study Homogamy”  (Abstract) (Full Text) (Full Text update version 2018

560. Gupta, Mayank and Jan Novotný. March 2016. “The Dynamics of Value Comovement across Global Equity Markets”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

559. Kuliomina, Jekaterina. March 2016. “Does Election of an Additional Female Councilor Increase Women's Candidacy in the Future?”  (Abstract) (Full Text)

558. Brabenec, Tomáš and Josef Montag. February 2016. “Criminals and the Price System: Evidence from Czech Metal Thieves” (Abstract) (Full Text)

557. Bartoš, Vojtěch. January 2016. “Seasonal Scarcity and Sharing Norms” (Abstract) (Full Text)



Individual researchers, as well as on-line and printed versions of the CERGE-EI Working Papers Series (including their dissemination) were supported from the following institutional grants:

  • Economic Impact of European Integration on the Czech Republic [Ekonomické dopady evropské integrace na ČR], No. MSM0021620846, (2005–2011)
  • Economic Aspects of EU and EMU Entry [Ekonomické aspekty vstupu do Evropské unie a Evropské měnové unie], No. AVOZ70850503, (2005–2010)
  • Center of Advanced Political Economy Research [Centrum pro pokročilá politicko-ekonomická studia], No. LC542, (2005–2009)
  • Contemporary Czech Society and Issues of European Integration [Současná česká společnost a otázky evropské integrace], No. K8002117, (2001–2004)
  • National Identity and Cultural Heritage: Modern Systems of Collecting, Storing and Processing of Data [Národní identita a kulturní dědictví: moderní systémy sběru, uchování a zpracování informací], No. K8002119, (2001–2004)
  • The Czech Republic and the Political Economy of European Integration [Česká republika a politická ekonomie evropské integrace], No. J13/98:116200001, (1999–2004)
  • The Economy in the Advanced Stage of Transformation [Ekonomika v období pokročilé transformace], No. A44/98:Z7-085-9-ii, (1999–2004)

Specific research support and/or other grants the researchers/publications benefited from are acknowledged in the Papers.