
There was a wonderful turnout for our anniversary weekend at the end of May, where 40 alumni gathered here at CERGE-EI to attend the gala or special alumni event co-organized by Dragana Stanišić (Serbia, PhD 2013). A huge thank you to all that attended and a special thank you to those who travelled such long distances from Qatar, Canada, Luxembourg, Spain, the Netherlands and Germany. It was a pleasure having you and we are grateful for the efforts of all our alumni for reconnecting with our community.

2016 Alumni Event at CERGE-EI

Dragana Stanišić (Alumnus, PhD 2013) reports:

“It was a great pleasure to meet alumni from different cohorts. I did not know most of the people who attended, and I was truly impressed learning about different career paths - academic, policy making, and corporate. During the introduction of each alumnus, it became clear that CERGE-EI had a pivotal influence on our lives, both personal and professional.

We also discussed ideas about how alumni can be more engaged with CERGE-EI. We mainly focused on students' needs: career advice, job searching, access to data sources, information about data analytics tools and methods, etc. We are all willing to provide information and time, but the challenge will be to find the owner of the coordination efforts. Besides students' needs, we also discussed how alumni can help CERGE-EI marketing and management needs. In this regard, we all expressed willingness to provide feedback, a point of view, or to be a part of the discussion.”

Please share your ideas with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Previous Alumni Events

London Alumni Event 2015

London Alumni Event 2013